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An introduction to resources for the study of the biblical texts.

Three Methods to Search for Biblical Scripture Citations

ATLA Database, Scripture Index - Basic Searching

The following video provides an introduction to the ATLA Religion Database's Scripture Index. The video touches on the organization, contents, and use of the Scripture Index.

ATLA Database, Scripture Index - Advanced Searching

This video demonstrates a more advanced approach to searching for biblical passages that allows you to view results for a range of verses at one time rather than looking at results for each verse in a passage separately. The method provides greater precision in results and much greater efficiency in reviewing search results.

Dewey Decimal Classification for Biblical Studies Resources

The majority of resources needed for the study of the Bible are located in the 220's of the Dewey Decimal Classification system. The hierarchy of call numbers within the division is as follows:


220s The Bible

220 The Bible (in general)

221-229 Specific part os the Bible, apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, and intertestamental works

221 Old Testament (in general)

222-224 Books of the Old Testament

222 Historical books

222.1 Pentateuch

222.11 Genesis

222.12 Exodus

222.13 Leviticus

222.14 Numbers

222.15 Deuteronomy

222.2 Joshua

222.3 Judges and Ruth

222.32 Judges

222.35 Ruth

222.4 Samuel

222.43 Samuel 1

222.44 Samuel 2

222.5 Kings

222.53 Kings 1

222.54 Kings 2

222.6 Chronicles

222.63 Chronicles 1

222.64 Chronicles 2

222.7 Ezra

222.8 Nehemiah

222.9 Esther

223 Poetic books

223.1 Job

223.2 Psalms

223.7 Proverbs

223.8 Ecclesiastes

223.9 Song of Solomon

224 Prophetic books

224.1 Isaiah

224.2 Jeremiah

224.3 Lamentations

224.4 Ezekiel

224.5 Daniel

224.6 Hosea

224.7 Joel

224.8 Amos

224.9 Minor prophets

224.91 Obadiah

224.92 Jonah

224.93 Micah

224.94 Nahum

224.95 Habakkuk

224.96 Zephaniah

224.97 Haggai

224.98 Zechariah

224.99 Malachi

225 New Testament (in general)

226 Gospels and Acts

226.2-226.5 Specific Gospels

226.2 Matthew

226.3 Mark

226.4 Luke

226.5 John

226.6 Acts of the Apostles

227 Epistles

227.1 Romans

227.2 Corinthians 1

227.3 Corinthians 2

227.4 Galatians

227.5 Ephesians

227.6 Philippians

227.7 Colossians

227.8 Other Pauline epistles

227.81 Thessalonians 1

227.82 Thessalonians 2

227.83 Timothy 1

227.84 Timothy 2

227.85 Titus

227.86 Philemon

227.87 Hebrews

227.9 Catholic epistles

227.91 James

227.92 Peter 1

227.93 Peter 2

227.94 John 1

227.95 John 2

227.96 John 3

227.97 Jude

228 Revelation

229 Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, and intertestamental works



Click here for an overview of the Dewey Decimal Classification system, including a listing of the first three levels of the classification's hierarchy.