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P-CM501 Media for Ministry Development: Home

This guide is resource aid for the course: P-CM501 Media for Ministry Development.

Course Info

P-CM501 is a required course in the Performance Pillar of the M.Div. and Diploma (P-CM401) programs.  The course will assess the highlighted program learning outcomes:

  • Performance PIllar - The learner will be able to communicate clearly and with integrity in ways that are appropriate to particular audiences.
  • Communication Thread - Identify forms of communication critical to personal relationships and professional effectiveness.


The appropriate use of communication media has always been a critical skill in sharing the Christian message.  Christians have utilized a myriad of communication methodologies through the centuries.  In this course, we will examine the role of digital media in ministry development and the role of the minister in deploying effective media strategies for missional engagement.


  1. To develop ministry professionals who appropriate media resources for the implementation and development of their faith community’s mission.
  2. To deploy ministry professionals who effectively use media resources for the development of their faith community’s mission.


Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. Discern accurately the most appropriate communication resources for a given context
  2. Identify resources available for ongoing professional development in the field of media use and ministry effectiveness
  3. Incorporate communication and media use in strategic planning
  4. Understand the elements of impactful storytelling in the contemporary context
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness of resources in assisting an organization's mission

Christianity, Media, and Culture

Reading Resources

Course Texts

Further Reading